Installer boot menu
1. “ Install “ Graphical install Advanced options Help 2. Choose a language: “ English ”
3. Choose a country, territory or area: “ Other “
4. Choose a continent or region: “ Asia “
5. Choose a country, territory or area: “ Indonesia ”
6. Keymap to use: “ American English ”
7. Configure the network: “ Continue “
8. Network configuration method: “ Configure network manually ” Do not configure the network at this time
Configure the network:
9. IP address: Netmask: Gateway: Name server addresses:
10. Hostname:debian => server Domain
11. Configure the clock: ” Makasar ”
12. Partitioning method: “Guided – use entire disk”
13. Select disk to partition: “ 300 GB HARDDISK ”
14. Partitionong scheme: “All files in one partition”
15. “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk”
16. Write the changes to disks ? “ Yes ”
17. Root password:1 Re-enter password to verify:1
18. Full name for the new user:tkj Username for your account:tkj
19. Choose a password for the new user:1 Re-enter password to verify:1
20. Scan another CD or DVD? “ No ”
21. Use a network mirror? “ No ”
22. Participate in the package usage userver? “ No ”
23. Choose software to install: [ ] Desktop environment [*] Standard system => Server Mode Text
[*] Desktop environment [*] Standard system => Server Mode GUI
24. Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? “ yes ”